To install the NVIDIA GeForce 6200 LE Video Card driver, download the version of the driver that corresponds to your operating system by clicking on the appropriate link above. A window should then show up asking you where you would like to save the file. Save the driver file somewhere on your computer where you will be easily able to find it. NVIDIA GeForce 6200 GPU Extends Technology Leadership into the Value PC Segment SANTA CLARA, CA—OCTOBER 11, 2004—NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), a worldwide leader in graphics and digital media processors, today announced the NVIDIA® GeForce™ 6200, a new graphics processing unit (GPU) which delivers the world-renowned GeForce 6 Series.
Nvidia Geforce Mac Drivers
The GeForce FX 5200 is an AGP 8x card compatible with AGP 2x, 4x,and 8x slots. It's short enough and runs cool enough to work in thePower Mac G4 Cube, and it is the oldest,least powerful card with full Core Image and Core Animation support. Itwas the standard video card for the Power MacG5/1.6 GHz single and 1.8 GHz dual (2003), 1.8 GHz single, and 1.8GHz and 2.0 GHz dual (2004). It will work with all AGP PowerMacs.
Apple also used the GeForce 5200 GPU in the 17' iMac G4/1.25 GHz, 20' iMac G4/1.25 GHz, and the 2004 iMac G5.
Flashed AGP 8x video cards are not compatible with theMystic/Gigabit Ethernet, Digital Audio, Cube, Quicksilver, and MirrorDrive Door Power Mac G4 without modification. As explained by The Mac Elite, Appleuses pins 3 and 11 on the back of the card to power ADC monitors. Thesepins must be disabled or your Mac will not boot with the cardinstalled. Full details and instructions are on the Mac Elitewebsite.
Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) boot times for Power Mac with the GeForce6200 fall into the 4-5 minute range, and it's suggested that youinstall Leopard with the Mac's original video card to avoid slowingdown the process.
Nvidia 6200 Drivers
The GeForce FX 5200 can be used on a Mac running OS 9, but with noacceleration and with limited resolution settings.
Based on recent pricing, we recommend the Radeon 9600 Pro, whcihalso has full Core Image and Core Animation support, over the GeForceFX 5200, especially for those running Leopard. The Radeon is both morepowerful and generally less expensive.
- GPU speed: 250-400 MHz, dual processors
- Video memory: 128/256 MB
- Memory speed: 225-266 MHz DDR
- Memory bus: 128 bits
- Resolutions: 640 x 480 to 1920 x 1200 (2048 x1536 analog)
- Ports: DVI-I, VGA, S-video
- Dual monitor support: yes
- Cooling fan: not necessary
- Minimum OS: Mac OS 9.2.2, OS X 10.4.3
- Compatible with: Sawtooth, Gigabit Ethernet, Digital Audio, Quicksilver, Quicksilver 2002, Mirrored Drive Doors, FireWire 800, Power Mac G5 models with AGP(excluded Power Mac G5 Dual and G5 Quad)
Online Resources
- Nvidia GeForce FX5200, Nvidia
- Nvidia's GeForce FX 5200graphics processor, The Tech Report, 2004.10.11
- GeForce6200: Nvidia's New Budget Graphics, Extreme Tech,2005.01.21
- Shootout: Newer,Faster Graphics Cards for the G4 Cube!, Bare Feats, 2005.07.18.GeForce 2, 3, and 5200 vs. Radeon 8500, 9000, 9200, and 9800.
- 'Sane' 3D GameGraphics Card Shootout, Bare Feats, 2004.07.24. GeForce 5200 vs.Radeon 9600 and 9800 at 'sane' settings on a Power Mac G5.
Nvidia 6200 Pci
The GeForce 6200 is an AGP 8x card compatible with AGP 2x, 4x, and8x slots. It's short enough and runs cool enough to work in thePower Mac G4 Cube, andit has full Core Image and Core Animation support. It was neveravailable in a Mac edition, but flashed versions of the card areavailable and will work with all AGP Power Macs.
Flashed AGP 8x video cards are not compatible with theMystic/Gigabit Ethernet, Digital Audio, Cube, Quicksilver, and MirrorDrive Door Power Mac G4 without modification. As explained by The Mac Elite, Appleuses pins 3 and 11 on the back of the card to power ADC monitors. Thesepins must be disabled or your Mac will not boot with the cardinstalled. Full details and instructions are on the Mac Elitewebsite.
Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) boot times for Power Mac with the GeForce6200 fall into the 4-5 minute range, and was initially suggested thatyou install Leopard with the Mac's original video card to avoid slowingdown the process. 'gotoh' has postedthe fix in The Mac Elite Forum. Sniper elite 3 highly compressed 10mb for pc. The delay is due to Leopard notsupporting temperature sensors in G4 Macs. Simply removeAppleHWSensor.kext from /System/Library/Extensions, and the delay goesaway.
The GeForce 6200 can be used on a Mac running OS 9, but with noacceleration and with limited resolution settings.
- GPU speed: 250-400 MHz, dual processors
- Video memory: 128/256 MB
- Memory speed: 225-266 MHz DDR
- Memory bus: 128 bits
- Resolutions: 640 x 480 to 1920 x 1200 (2048 x1536 analog)
- Ports: DVI-I, VGA, S-video
- Dual monitor support: yes
- Cooling fan: not necessary
- Minimum OS: Mac OS 9.2.2, OS X 10.4.3
- Compatible with: Sawtooth, Gigabit Ethernet, Digital Audio, Quicksilver, Quicksilver 2002, Mirrored Drive Doors, FireWire 800, Power Mac G5models with AGP (excluded Power Mac G5 Dual and G5 Quad)
Online Resources
- NvidiaGeForce 6200, Nvidia
- Nvidia's GeForce 6200 graphicsprocessor, The Tech Report, 2004.10.11
- GeForce6200: Nvidia's New Budget Graphics, Extreme Tech,2005.01.21
- GeForce 6200 for G4Cube, Bare Feats, 2006.03.24.
- GeForce 6200 Cube Benchmarks, Everything Apple, 2006.10.29